Omah Alchy Cottages, Side Sea Resort and Home (Private)
Fulfill your relaxation and vacation needs at Karimunjawa
Karimunjawa is an archipelago of 27 islands in the Java Sea, Indonesia, approximately 80 kilometres northwest of Jepara.
The islands’ name means ‘a stone’s throw from Java’ in Javanese. The
main island is known as Karimun, while the second-largest island is
Feel the sun and dance with water on a beautiful beach? Watch a
romantic Sunset on a beach with your loved ones? those are just the
experience you are about to have at Green Jati Kerep Beach Resort. With
plenty beach activity to do list and beautiful islands to visit we
guarantee that your visit will last forever on your memories.
Comfortable Room With Relaxing Atmosphere
We provide nice and comfortable rooms surounded by beautiful natural panorama.Gazebo for your moments
Sit and relax by the beach at one of our Gazebo to enjoy the view and moments with friends and family.Outbond Activity of nature
Walk to a nearby hills and Coconuts garden are provided optionallySea Diving
Diving with professional and experience guide under the sea and explore the beautiful natural sea resource of various coral beautyTiket Kapal Pulang Pergi
Local Transport
Penginapan selama di Karimun jawa
Tour Perjalanan Wisata 2x ke beberapa pulau
Tiket masuk ke Pulau Wisata
Makan selama di karimun jawa
Tour Guide
Alat Snorkeling & Life jacket
Ikan Bakar
Masakan Khas Karimun Jawa (Seafood)
Kelapa Muda
Dokumentasi Bawah Laut
* Pulau menjangan besar
* Pulau tengah
* Pulau kecil
* Pulau Gosong
* Pulau menjangan kecil
* Pulau Geleyang
* Pulau cemara Besar
* Ujung Gelam
pakaian untuk 3 hari
Baju renang / celana renang,
Sun block & obat-obatan pribadi
kamera, handycam dll
Gitar (bila perlu)
Makanan kecil, snack2
Obat nyamuk
Alat pancing bila ingin memancing
Hubungi Kami
0821-3817-2799 📱 082-333-333-102
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Visit Karimunjawa